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Driving versus Train Travel

We (3 of us) will be visiting the Trondheim to Bergen area for about a week in September. Would it be better to rent a car or use trains? Convenience? Cost? Driving Stress? Tom

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3392 posts

Completely depends on what you want to see between Trondheim and Bergen. There are some areas that aren't served by the train because of fjords, etc. The public bus system is quite good but not frequent in some areas. We spent a month in Norway a couple of summers ago and covered the areas around Oslo, Bergen, and a 5-hourish radius around Alesund. We had a car for most of that time and it was the right decision for us. The roads in Norway are excellent and very well-maintained. Didn't cause any stress at all! Traffic is incredibly light in most places. The only narrow/hairpin roads you'll find are over passes that you would have to intentionally go to, such as the one over Trollstigen. Again, though, it's very well-maintained and stunningly beautiful - well worth the white knuckles! Getting on and off the car ferries that cross the fjords is easy and straightforward. Just park in line at the dock and, when directed, follow the instructions for driving on. The attendant will come to your car window to collect payment.
The only thing about car rental in Norway is the cost of gas!! It's around 5.50 (US dollars) right now so make sure to include this in your overall budget.
Since you're only there for a week or so consider flying up to Trondheim and then driving back so you don't waste time getting's about a 10 hour drive if you do it in one go.
For Bergen you can easily return the car and just walk or use buses. It's a compact town and everything is walkable unless you go to one of the interesting homes outside of the city, such as Edvard Grieg's. There is an airport shuttle but that has multiple stops in town when you're ready to fly out, if that's what you plan to do.

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3 posts

Thanks for your response. I have rented cars in other European countries and love the freedom it allows. Have you been there in the Fall? We are thinking of going about the third week of September. We realize it will be cooler then, but I am wondering if many attractions are closed by then. We mainly want to drive the countryside and visit Bergen and other smaller towns .