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copenhagen to norway fjords

My wife and I are going to be in Copenhagen for a week or so in mid July, and again at the end of September. If it can be feasibly done in 3 or 4 days, we'd like to get a taste of the Norwegian fjords. Are short fjord cruises/tours even available? We're both retired teachers, so cost is a consideration. If short cruises are available, what is the best jumping? Bergen? Some place else? Any recommendations re: tour companies?

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3367 posts

You could do Norway in a Nutshell. Can be done in one long day from Bergen. Check out RS guidebook for all the details.

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4645 posts

Bergen, Trondheim and Ålesund can all be used to reach the fjords. Day tour buses are easy from Ålesund. There’s also a train (change at Dombås) from Oslo (inc the airport) to Åndalsnes which is also on a fjord. The Norway in a nutshell I haven’t done, it may be busier.

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60 posts

I did a Norway-Nutshell variant in May - Sognefjord in a Nutshell (fast ferry ("hurtigruten") through the Sognefjord; NiN offers cruises through adjacent, smaller fjords but is pretty much the same depending on how one customizes a tour). Both versions are customizable to an extent, including overnight stays and where to stay, and day-trip options. Worth doing at least one time no matter which version and how it's customized. I used Borton Overseas/Minneapolis to set up my trip but it's entirely arrangeable on one's own whether through or putting it together through the various transportation modes and hotel websites.