I'm working on buying out tickets for the Norway in a Nutshell tour in May - however I'm having issues on line. I'm guessing that it's because NSB only allows dates within 90 days. Could someone confirm if that's the case or that I'm doing something else wrong?
About our tickets.
I swear I looked all over their website and couldn't find this - thanks!
You may need to call...many American credit cards won't work on their website from my experience.
However PayPal works
Just got our tickets and indeed paypal worked but my credit card still triggered a fraud alert - be sure to notify your cc before you do this. Good luck!
Thanks everyone - the calendar did open up once we were within the 90 days. As expected, credit card didn't work; but as others mentioned, paypal worked without a problem!
Ditto on traveling there in May, PayPal, and cc fraud alert. :-)