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Bergin for 2 days before a Baltic Cruise

We are staying in Bergin before a 3 week Baltic Cruise and need some suggestions on what we should not miss in Bergin as we will be flying in from England for 2 days before our cruise. Thanks

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11294 posts

If you get the book Rick Steves Northern Europe Cruise Ports, he not only covers Bergen, but also most (probably all) of your other Baltic cruise ports.

Also note, if you're not finding information when you search, it's spelled Bergen with two e's.

I loved Bergen; in addition to the designated sights, the town has a very nice vibe and is a great place to wander. The one disappointment was Rick's highly recommended tour of Bryggen. Our guide had the poorest English of anyone I met in Norway, and I didn't find the area that interesting. However, I enjoyed the fish market, the funicular ride up for a great view over the town and water, and walking in the area near the funicular base and the area from town center toward the aquarium (these areas are so picturesque and charming, they look like they were built as movie sets).

And, in the "small world" department, if Google Maps is accurate, you live about 15 minutes away from my brother in Oaklyn, NJ!

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1837 posts

I agree with Harold. I also loved Bergen (which is spelled like the county in New Jersey).

One thing worth doing is the excursion to Troldhaugen, where the composer Grieg lived and where he and his wife are buried.

If you like walking, I also enjoyed the area near the University and beyond that to Nygårdsparken.

And stop by the TI near the fish market. They're very helpful and can give you lots of suggestions on how to fill your time.

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138 posts

Thanks and yes I did spell Bergen incorrectly TWICE!!! I did purchase Ricks Cruise Ports book and just wondered how others made out in Bergen. Thanks for your recommendations. Always like to hear what worked and didn't with Rick's books as sometimes his ideas and mine are slightly different.