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Alesund to Trollstigen by car

How far is the round trip drive from Alesund to Trollstigen and what is the good road to take for the trip to and back from Trollstigen.

How long is the winding hairpin road in Trollstigen and how much time it takes to drive on the curved hairpin road.

Which of the following routes is better and which way is the drive on the Trollstigen hairpin road down hill?

  1. From Ålesund-Sjøholt-Storda-Valldal-Trollstigen viewpoint-Åndalsnes-Vestnes-Sjøholt-back to Ålesund.

  2. Ålesund to Åndalsnes-Troll Wall-Gjestegård-Trollstigen viewpoint-Gudbrandsjuvet-Valldal-Stordal-Sjøholt- Skodje-Ellingsøy-Ålesund.

Thank you.

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3391 posts

I have done your second route, although in the reverse order. It will take the whole day but is completely spectacular! You'll see a lot more than route #1.
The hairpin road up to the overlook and the pass is not long...maybe 1/2 mile? You can go either up or down the road.

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7 posts

Thank you, Anita. Which was is going down hill. Did you go uphill or down hill on the Trollstigen hairpin road.

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3391 posts

We went downhill. Stop and have a meal or just walk to the lookout at the top of the pass...they have constructed a modernist complex with a steel structure that sticks out over the valley - standing there takes your breath away!!!