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4 days in Norway. Itinerary help please

I'm so frustrated with myself, as I have been researching this trip for months and just can't seem to make some decisions. Please help.
We are 2 -50 yr olds plus my 83 y/o mom. She is fit for walks but nothing strenuous like a Norwegian hike :)
We will not have a car

We are arriving in Bergen at 10 am on Sept 3rd. Coming in after 3 days in Copenhagen Spending 1 (or 2) nights in Bergen.
Flying out of Oslo at 9 am on. Sept 7th so want to arrive by mid/late morning on the 6th to see Oslo briefly ( a few sites, feel for the city)
Seems the NIN is likely the best choice, but want to use the time we have to see the best of the fjords.
I have looked at Balestrand and Flam want to see geirangerfjord but think it is probably to far.
Don't want to miss Naeryjord either

Should we stay 1 or 2 nights in Bergen

Where else should we stay?
Want to see a stave church. Museums, not this part of the trip ;) just the beauty that is the fjord region.
We are open to anything
I am so overwhelmed by wanting to see much in a short time.
Thank you so much for any help in making his trip a great one

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5837 posts

Want to see a stave church. Museums, not this part of the trip...

Four days for a big country is not much time, but Bergen - NIN - Oslo is a good slice of Norway to experience. With only four nights, one night in Bergen (close to a full day), one night in fjord country (two days), two nights in Oslo (one full day) before your morning flight may be a good compromise.

A quick way to see a stave church (and much more) is the Oslo Folk Museum where King Oscar relocated a number of buildings of traditional Norwegian construction including a stave church:

The Stave Church from Gol Hallingdal, Buskerud, ca. 1200

The old stave church at Gol was due for replacement by a new church
around 1880. The Sociecty for the Preservation of Norwegian Ancient
Monuments bought the old church and presented it to King Oscar II, who
paid for its rebuilding on Bygdøy.

Although I am also not a big museum person, I do appreciate the cultural and history museums (as opposed to paintings). While on Bygdøy, a short bus from central Oslo, visit the Viking Ship Museum, Fram Museum and Kon-Tiki after touring the Folk Musem then take the ferry from the dock near the Fram back to Oslo City Hall. If you add in a T-bane ride with city views up to Holmenkollen Ski Jump and Ski Museum, with a stop at the Vigeland sculpture park you will have a very full day. Holmenkollen Ski Museum admission includes the top of the ski jump for a spectacular view of Oslo Fjord. A 24 hour Oslo Pass (entry plus transit) would be a good bargain if you visit all of the above.

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1 posts

We just finished visiting the Sognefjord region. Another option would be to go directly from Bergen to Balestrand via the Norled express boat. You could then spend two nights in Balestrand, in the center of the Sognefjord. Then you could take the Norled boat to Flam, the train from Flam to Myrdal, and the train from Myrdal to Oslo. The time we spent in the Sognefjord was our favorite. Bergen is nice, but it's not the Sognefjord.

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5 posts

Thank you! We will be staying 2 nights in Bergen, but would like to do a fjird tour or see waterfall the second day. On day 3 we leave early for the NIN and a night in Flam.
Suggestions much appreciated!!! Thanks in advance