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What are requirements for bringing my prescription medications into the Netherlands?

I can't find a clear answer as to exactly what I need coming from the States into the Netherlands regarding bringing my prescription medications legally with me. Can anyone please advise or direct me? Thanks!

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8324 posts

Chances are no one will bat an eye or ask to look into your bag. The further answer depends a bit on what are you talking or two prescriptions, or a rack of 10-15 different ones. Also there are some ups and downs of specific drugs.

For the most part pack them as you wish, but do either have labels on the bottles, or separately, your pharmacy should be able to print out an extra label, or something indicating what it is. ID is more important if you unexpectedly need to get additional pills there, more than what they are, like dosages, technical name, why you need it.

Take more caution with controlled drugs for pain and Opioids/Opiates. If you take any stimulants like Adderall, that will be a problem.

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8622 posts

I went to the Netherlands a few years ago (and then Germany this year) and took my prescription meds and had no problem. As Paul said, chances are no one will bat an eye.

I packed them in small ziplock bags to save space and did take photos of the labels just in case, but no one ever asked for them.