I am trying to locate two places my wife and I came across in Amsterdam, and want to know if anyone can identify them. The first is a small building, somewhat wider than the usual shops in the canal area that is adjacent to a triangle created by the intersection of several streets. It is not next to a canal. The first floor facade is decorated by a wooden or painted strip about a foot wide that goes up the left side, across the building and down the right, framing the ground floor. On the strip is painted a statement about a previous resident who, as I remember it, was an important figure in the early history of photography, and this must have been his studio. Does anyone know where this is?
Also, we had a drink with friends at a very old, tiny tavern - not the famous one facing a canal - but built next to the walls of the New Church. It was just wide enough to stand in front of the bar, and we sat outside with a few local couples; the woman who ran a small clothing shop across from the tavern graciously brought out a few folding chairs from her store. Does this place still exist at that location, under the walls of the church and a few steps from the Dam square. Thanks
Try google earth street view. I have often found places again using the street view feature.
We found both. The bar is near the end of Eggerstraat, furthest from the Dam. A tasting bar, with a row of about a dozen tapped keg ends on one wall, and the bar along the other. I had an icy cold glass of aged genever; much needed as it was the hottest recorded September day ever. The other place is at the corner of Spui and Voegtboogstraat, opposite a triangle, as I remembered. A beautifully decorated Jugendstijl building with the legend, "Buttinghausen * Fotographie * Artistique," across the front. Max en Ernst Büttinghausen had a photography studio there in 1873.