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Tram Route 5 in Amsterdam

I understand that Tram Route 5 in Amsterdam is used as a main target for pickpockets, etc., because it connects from the Centraal Train Station to the most often visited museums. Can anyone verify this and/or provide some guidance on avoiding becoming a victim? Thanks, Tim

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9109 posts

I've never heard that line 5 is worse than any other tram in regards to thieves. Use a money belt or the hotel room safe and you have defeated any problems. Just carry a day's spending money in your wallet, and everything else in the money belt under your clothes not to be accessed in public. This way if you do get robbed your are limited to just a days worth of cash, and you can keep going without much hardship.

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2829 posts

It is not different than any other busy tram route in Amsterdam. Majority of users are locals anyway. It is not a joyride or heritage line.