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Train Travel from Amsterdam to Belgium (Brugge)

Im so confused as to which rail website to use to buy train tickets.

  • NS International
  • Eurorail (this only takes me to Brusells) so would have to buy another separate ticket to get to Brugge
  • SNCB International
  • rail europe

I only need to get from Amsterdam to Brugge and then Brugge to London, any any day trips I can sort out when im there.

Anyone who can help from experience would be appreciated, thank you in advance.

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23676 posts

First off,, you need to understand who runs the railroads. Eurorail and rail europe are travel agencies selling other train ticket so take them off you list. You need to use the national rail site for tickets and scheduling information.. I will go find it ---

Posted by
407 posts

The only ticket you need to book is Bruges (actually Brussels) to London. Book that direct on Eurostar webpage. Look if they have an ABS (any Belgian station) option, which would mean the Bruges to Brussels leg would be included. For Amsterdam to Bruges, just head to the station and buy a ticket and hop on.

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39 posts

Though charges a fee for ticketing, sometimes I start there to explore ticket prices as the website is very user friendly. Then I go on to check out the national or regional website to compare prices once I have a handle on my dates and time. Half the time I do buy from the trainline simple for ease and to have all my trips in the app.

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8371 posts

I just wait until I get there to purchase tickets at the train stations in person. Sometimes I buy at a ticket booth and sometimes I buy out of vending machines.

If I'm going by a train station the day before I'm going to take a train, I'll zip in and buy tickets for the next day. That simplifies the day of departure in case things get hectic.

To places like Belgium, trains are very frequent and seats usually available.

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10428 posts

I would not wait until you are in Europe to buy your ticket for Brussels to London. Eurostar has a monopoly on that route, so if you waited until you were there to purchase, you would pay a pretty penny indeed. Much better to pre-purchase that ticket in particular.

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2629 posts

A good rule of thumb is to buy your ticket from the national railway of the country the trip starts ins.

So buy Amsterdam - Brugge on NS International, and Brugge - London on B-Europe (NMBS/SNCB International).
(And always buy end-to-end one transaction if possible.)

That way if there is an issue you can just go to the station and talk to someone at the ticket office.

Posted by
250 posts

I would not suggest buying a Eurostar ticket from B-Rail. Go to the Eurostar website and make sure you buy an "any Belgian station" ticket to London. You will be strictly booked on a specific train from Brussels to London but can travel from Brugge to Brussels by any train that day. I would suggest leaving a minimum of two hours to change at Brussels, though, as Eurostar has airport-style luggage scans and you go through both Belgian and UK border formalities before boarding the train.