I have looked throughout the Rijksmuseum website, as well as other sites, and can't seem to find definitive answers to these questions. Since the RS community is so knowledgeable, I am confident that someone has the answers!
1) How strict are they with entrance times? If I buy a 9am ticket, and I get delayed, will I still be able to enter, say at 10am, or later?
2) Can I leave the museum grounds and be able to reenter later that same day? I thought I read that you could leave & reenter the museum, but I can't tell if they mean the whole complex, or just the museum.
3) How good is the restaurant? Typically, I find that museums have ok food-something to tide you over. But I have also been surprised that some museums have extraordinary restaurants that people make a point of eating at.
I thank you in advance for your help!