Also agreeing with the others - just use your own phone. Even if it's $1 per minute:
How many calls are you making? probably only a few.
How long are these calls going to be? probably only a few minutes each.
How long will it take you to find a public pay phone? probably a long time, if you can find one at all. (they're being removed all over the world - the expectation, right or wrong, is that everyone now has a cell phone).
If you do find a public pay phone, how much will a call from it cost? probably the equivalent of $0.25-0.50 per minute.
And a bonus: you can program in your hotel's phone number into your phone, so when you need to make that call, all you have to do is press "send." No fumbling around trying to figure out how to dial when you are jet-lagged.
If you do want to do this, make sure to put the number in your phone using the "plus system" - starting the +31 then the local number - so it will go right through.
So, in time, money, and hassle, using your own phone wins.