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OV chipcart + Museumkaart or iAmsterdam? And opinion on Zaanse Schans

I'll be in Amsterdam for just 4 days and am wondering which to go with if I follow Ricks walking tours.
The iAmsterdam seems so pricey but does include the tram (I think).
I've already purchased my Anne Frank Tickets.

What about Zaanse Schans for a day trip?

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307 posts

Zaanse Shanse is a fun day trip.
It is a pleasant get away from Amsterdam and the crowds.
We did not do any of the walking tours, but just wandered around which was a lot of fun to do.
We walked around the museum area just to see what else is there.
Would recommend a walk in Vondelpark and a canal boat ride if you are so inclined. We used the Blue boat Company, located near Vondelpark.
Have fun!

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2487 posts

OV Chipkaart or not depends on how much and what kind of travel you're planning. If the Zaanse Schans is the only trip outside the city, it's much better to buy a separate ticket. The OV Chipkaart costs you EUR 7,50 without balance for actual travelling. For travel within Amsterdam the GVB (the municipal transport company) has a whole range of options.

When considering the I Amsterdam Card you must realise that at the moment it doesn't seem to work for the Van Gogh Museum: you need to make a timed reservation and because of some hitch between the two organisations that doesn't work.

The Zaanse Schans is a popular outing for its proximity to Amsterdam and so can be crowded. It's an easy train ride, though, from Amsterdam Centraal (get a ticket to Zaandijk Zaanse Schans) and a 15-min walk to the area.

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11818 posts

Zaanse Schans is a recreated village, windmills, blacksmith shop, etc. Buildings were moved there. A little touristy but if you can’t get to Kinderdijk, it’s OK. You wouldn’t spend a whole day there, maybe a few hours at most..