You can get an idea of gates and transfer process by putting in your flights into the Schiphol day planner. I'd pick an upcoming day of the week that matches your flight schedule - unless your flight date already appears on their current list (it is about two weeks out): You should know your connecting gate number when you leave Dublin (check the boarding pass they should give you there), but double check the connections board when you get to AMS. You should have enough time, but I'd advise using the bathroom on the plane before you land and going right to your departure gate, don't dawdle. You'll probably get there just as they're starting the boarding process.
For your LA bound flight, you will have your passport checked at the gate. There are gate agents with mobile desks to check you in - find one when you get to the gate. Then you'll very likely have your passport checked again when you board, so don't put it away. When I left AMS a few weeks ago, I was at a gate that required a shuttle out to my plane on the tarmac. But there's no way to know if you have this kind of gate until the day of.