hey stodd
don't know if you have found a place to stay in amsterdam, here's a couple places to check out:
citymundo.com we stayed in an apartment on prinsengracht canal which was great.
houseboathotel.nl we rented a houseboat in jordaan area which was also nice.
read carefully, is it a room, you share bathroom and kitchen, minimum days to stay, lots of stairs/steps with no elevators/lifts to carry your luggage, linens included. early checkin or place to leave your bags.
public transportation is great, do you stay in one place or move around. when moving around it takes up at least half a day (get up, breakfast, pack up, checkout, get to transport station, buying tickets waiting then getting to next place). don't wanna be donna downer, it's reality. you will love amsterdam, very pretty. bikes bikes bikes everywhere.
thisisholland.com (ultimate virtual flight experience)
tripsavvy.com/indo-dutch-rijstaffel-buffet (sampurna.com, tempodoeloerestaurant.com, bojo.nl, restaurantblauw.nl) just a few to check out
canal boat ride, any company is good
albertcuypmarket a pedestrian only "swap meet" anything and everything, shops, souvenirs, produce, lunch wagons, restaurants, cafes. we had a great day there. stopped for appetizer and glass of vino and people watched, ate stroopwafels from food truck made fresh
took a private tour out to windmills and small fishing villages,
train to haarlem (had poffertjes, yummy) in the square