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Need some tips - visit Amsterdam

Hi Guys,
Am planning to visit Amsterdam on end of December for 10 days. And it’s like limited budget. Could you please give me some tips regarding the places to visit, accommodation, restaurants, night life and best transportation methods. Also safety during night time.

Highly appreciated.

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440 posts

Cut your number of days down to save more money try five days instead of ten. Safety not really an issue a safe city just keep on your guard for pickpockets and the like.

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8293 posts

So, what you really need is a comprehensive guide book. You are asking here for “tips” on every aspect of a visit to Amsterdam. What should I see? What should I do? Where should I go? Where should I eat and how do I get there?

Posted by
4066 posts

Since your are already on this website, why not read its Destinations material so you have a basis of knowledge to ask questions?

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8666 posts

I would look at hostels or use and its "name your own price" feature for accomodations. We used Priceline for a great hotel in the museum district at a bargain price.

10 days is a long time in a new city if you don't have someone you are meeting up with or a long list of interests. Consider some side trips. Public transport is excellent.

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15686 posts

Hotels are considerably less expensive in other Dutch cities, which are also well worth visiting. Friends of mine stayed in Haarlem for their visit to A'dam and commuted.

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11503 posts

First, you need to read a good guide. I know in the internet age this is old school, but a guide is your best, most thorough resource. You do not know what yo do not know. Get the Rick Steves guide.

Stay outside of Amsterdam to save some Euros. We liked Haarlem. Close to Amsterdam by train, great food at not bad prices, and less expensive lodging. If you can find a place with a kitchen or kitchen privileges you can even prepare some of your own meals, a good budget-stretching strategy.

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7736 posts

Part of the problem with your question is that we know nothing of your interests, your age, your preferences, dietary needs, etc.

Getting a bunk in a hostel, eating cheap fast food and supplementing with grocery items, concentrating on free sights, and using your feet for transportation works great for some, usually younger; but if you like better food, a private room, want to go to the art museums, then that is a whole other plan.

Get a good guide book (Rick's, Lonely Planet, etc.) and start laying things out, plugging in costs. You will get an idea pretty quick as to what you can afford.

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33339 posts

Also safety during night time.

Don't smoke weed. Don't drink. Don't associate with drug dealers or prostitutes. Don't take pictures of drug dealers or prostitutes. Don't go swimming in the canal. Don't take out large wodges of money. Don't have a fat wallet in your back pocket (I assume with no data that you are male).

Posted by
650 posts

Stay Jordaan neighborhood. It's near the Anne Frank House, and has easy access to other sites, but it's still mostly working class residential. Restaurants, pubs, and ice cream are all cheaper there.

Alternatively, consider staying in Haarlem. Price the commute to Amsterdam before you decide.

Price renting an apartment as cooking-in and packing lunches will also save you money. But if you are traveling solo the apartment might not be the cheapest option. Even in a hotel, cheese, crackers, fruit and sausage is a good lunch option. Buy them in groceries outside the tourist zone. If you are staying in a hotel consider making lunch your main meal and saving the cheese and sausage for dinner. Buy your beer at a grocery store. Drink it at the hotel or apartment.

Get one of the museum passes. Price the options. The Amsterdam Card is better if you won't be daytripping and the Museumkart if you will be.

Daytips cost train fare, but often little else especially if you have a Museumkart. If you are going to day trip, do buy a train/bus card and do budget time to cash it out at the end of your trip. Making your meals out day trip meals. If you will not day trip and are staying in Amsterdam, you can walk everywhere if you are energetic.

I'd suggest a bike day, except that sounds ungodly cold in December.

Posted by
6 posts

Hi All,

Thanks for your tips and advises. had a awesome 11 days in Amsterdam & 3 days in Antwerp. Only bad decision i have made was choosing the air line. Other than that everything is really good and within my budget.

Thanks once again.
