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MuseumKaart ( card) during Museum Week?

I was doing some research on getting a Museumkaart upon our day of arrival in Amsterdam so we'll have it in hand for the reservation we have at Anne Frank House the next day as well as others we plan to visit on subsequent days. (I booked Anne Frank with option that we would have the Dutch Museumkaart so only had to pay 1 Euro for 2 reservation spots)...On Museumkaart site I see notice that April 9-15 2018 is Museum Week and free entry to many museums. I can't seem to locate a listing of which museums actually participate though. Does anyone know if Anne Frank, Riks, Van Gogh, might be participating.? And even if they are would there be an advantage to having a Museumkaart in hand - different entry line, etc. for some museums? Thanks.

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610 posts

I'm trying to figure this out too. My concern is similar except this website says the Museumcard is not valid during the week which leads me to believe that it won't be needed (see below). I'm concerned about my time entries and also now the crowds.

I'm not doing so well in my planning. We are in Haarlem (4-12 TO 4-18) now with the "Spring Fair" of carnival rides and kid activities taking up the entire Grote Markt. And now what could be exceptionally crowded museums. As cheap as I am I'd rather pay than have double the crowds or lose my timed spots.
National Museum Week 2018
The Museum Week is a yearly event in collaboration with 400 museums. Generally the Museum Week starts in the second weekend of April(9 - 15 April 2018). Often all museums will be open and entrance is free for everyone (not just Museumcard holders) or you need to pay one euro. Most museums have special events such as presentations, tours or children quests.
Also see on Twitter: hashtag #mw2018 and hashtag #museumweekend.
Museumcard is not valid during Museum Week!

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2487 posts

The Museumweek site is amazingly short on practical information, but I wouldn't count on free entry or fear unmanageable crowds. You might contact e.g. the Rijksmuseum ([email protected]) on this.

And the Museumkaart not valid? It's all new to me.

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3 posts

Interesting that I found this listing. I had the same question as I am planning for a visit during 4/14-4/15 weekend and want to visit those three museums.
Most of us found the website using google translate function, one can read the page in English. Have to tinker some more to see which museums are included.

Posted by
22 posts

JCP- I must be digitally challenged as I tried navigating through that website/translating each page and never could locate any listing of which museums are participating. Were you able to come up with a list? I have emailed Anne Frank and Rijks but so far no replies.

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2487 posts

As far as I can see an inclusion of a museum on the Museumweek website only means it has some special activities during that time. Unless I am wrong, it does certainly not imply it is free.

Posted by
143 posts

"Unless I am wrong, it does certainly not imply it is free."
No you are not wrong. During the former Museum weekend museums were mostly free, but that is no longer a requirement. It is nowadays more about showing all the different collections they have.

"And the Museumkaart not valid? It's all new to me."
And new to the Museumkaart servicedesk. According to the servicedesk the Museumkaart IS valid during the Museum week.

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3 posts

Hi All
I emailed Rijks and they wrote back very promptly. The Rijksmusuem will not take part in the national museum week. All the participating museums are listed on this site
Also please note that due to construction project Anne Frank House only allows entries with on line tickets ONLY till June 2018. So you must purchase your tickets ahead of time on line.

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6541 posts

Thanks, JCP. We're going to be there April 12 - 16, and again in early May. I don't see any of our planned museums on the list.