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Medication certificate narcotics, etc.

I have read numerous places that I must have a certificate from my doctor or pharmacist to take with prescription narcotics to the Netherlands.

Does anyone know the specifics about this?


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23524 posts

Don't know about a certificate but you need your original Rx and the pills in the original container if it is a controlled drug. If you keep it in your suitcase or well secured elsewhere no one would be aware that you have it.

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33360 posts

I don't think I'd try to encourage anybody to conceal anything - the Dutch have sniffer dogs too - and they are good.

Depending on the narcotics it is wise to consult the Dutch Government website

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1098 posts

Yes, some of the opiate-based pain medication (assuming that's you may mean) which is prescribed in the US will be very tightly controlled or illegal in the Netherlands. The Dutch Embassy in Washington DC may be able to help put your mind at ease with regard to how to proceed.