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Liberation/Freedom Parade questions

My husband and I will be in Amsterdam May 1st for 5 nights to take in the celebrations of the WWII 80th Anniversary Liberation. My father, a Canadian, was a gunner in a Sherman Tank and his troops liberated the town of Ermelo which we would like to visit on May 2nd. He is in a film made in April of 1945 from Ermelo rolling in with his battalion. We will travel by train from Amsterdam but not sure what we will see in Ermelo and the history but I really want to be there. What can I expect to see or learn?

We would also like to know if it’s suggested to take the train to Wageningen May 5th to attend Parade or will the festivals be exciting enough to stay in Amsterdam? We would travel by train if we go to Wageningen. Does anyone know what time the parade starts if we decide to go?

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So sorry to say that the Liberation Anniversary in Ermelo will be held on Saturday the 19th of April. The commemoration of dead will be held later on the 4th of May, the day prior to our national liberation anniversary. Best is to contact the "Oranjevereniging Ermelo", they certainly will looking forward to welcome you and help you anyway further with your questions. Underneath the website (under "contactgegevens") you can find their email address. With a bit of luck you know someone on one of the pictures. Alas the website is in Dutch only, so needs translation.

The commemoration of dead will be held in many places in the country, for this Amsterdam is to my opinion the best place. The ceremony takes place at Dam Square with the usual presence of our King and Queen. It will obviously crowded there.

For Wageningen best is to contact Hotel de Wereld, where the signing of the surrender of The Netherlands took place. Again this website is only in Dutch too.

There will be always locals with knowledge and interest about WW2 and certainly want to help you. Good luck!

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Excellent information. I’ve been challenged to find more info and it’s only been recently that’s I’ve discovered Rick Steves travel forum. You’ve been a great help! Thank you very much.
We will continue with our plans to visit Ermelo and I will reach out to Oranjevereniging Ermelo. I have a translater app on my phone that will help with the translation.

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Also! I did not recognize anyone in the pictures but the area is familiar looking. Thank you for sending.