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Keukenhof to Delft

How do I get from Keukenhof to Delft? I will be returning from Delft to Amsterdam. Approximately how long is each leg of trip? Thanks.

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2487 posts

Take the Keukenhof Express bus to Leiden, where you can pick up the next train to Delft, which runs at least 4 times per hour. It is the same frequency the other way around to Amsterdam. Mind that Delft is an unmanned station: for getting your ticket from a machine you must have a working bank card. To be on the safe side you can buy them in Leiden, which has a ticket window.
For schedules use the public transport planner

The so-called Combi-Ticket for the Keukenhof includes bus transport to Leiden.

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5820 posts

Depends on the time of day, and which combination of bus/train. Look it up on the Netherlands train website.
ETA I see the PP beat me to it with a link.