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guides in Amsterdam

HI, tried to contact the guide Rick recommeds in his guidebook, but the email address didn't work. Anyone have any experience-based suggestions? We're looking for a couple of hours to get oriented when we first arrive. Thanks, CAW

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12216 posts

Care to give the forum a clue about who you are trying to contact?

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12216 posts

If this is the book you have -- ---
I would contact the RS office to see if there is a typo.

If you have an older edition perhaps he retired, and RS could probably confirm that and may have a current suggestion.

Found this info from 2005 on another website (

[email protected]
00-31-6-206 97 882 from outside NL
06-206 97 882 call when in NL

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3 posts

Thanks alot. I call the office today and call him next week! That's definitely the same guy. CAW

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811 posts

If that doesn’t work for you, we enjoyed our 3-hour walking tour through That Dam Guide.

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2469 posts

hey CAW
another guide you can contact is olav. read about him and his wife at
they also do a dining experience in their home with other travelers. enjoy