Hi all: I've been on the horns of a dilemma about whether it is worth it to buy a lightweight unlined rain jacket with Gore-Tex (Marmot - $220) or a well-reviewed jacket with DWR ( Outdoor Ventures $50). I have read a lot of info about Gore-tex being good in dry cold or wet cold but not in warm-ish humid weather. I'd really like to know if someone has had good experience with the DWR in a climate like The Netherlands. I live near Seattle and have never felt a need for Gore-tex with Seattle weather. I think that may argue for DWR - which also has a very light wicking lining. Any info is welcome. We will be in Netherlands 4/10-30 this year. Thank you. Susan
If DWR has worked for you then I think you should be fine. Amsterdam is further north than Calgary. By the way, if you are in the market for a Goretex jacket (or other waterproof breathable membrane), REI's sale is occurring and members get 20% off of one full price item and 20% off one sale item.
I own a Marmot Gortex jacket. It’s probably the one you are looking at.
It goes EVERYWHERE with me. It’s not heavy or uses much space but it’s worth it. Goretex is wind proof and breathes. I’ve worn water or water resistant other jackets and end up uncomfortable. They become like I’m wearing a sauna instead of a jacket.
I just got back from Micronesia with 80 degree + temps and 200% humidity. I joke, but it was definitely humid. Daily rainstorms and glad I had my gortex jacket. It was not uncomfortable at all. You won’t go wrong with the Marmot.
I was in the NL in April, 2024, as I think you know. (Smile emoji) . I had a Gore-Tex jacket that I had found on sale at Sierra Trading Post, and it was perfect! For our trip, the weather was brisk, rainy, the nights cold, and very, very windy on most days. One of the most important features my jacket has is a very secure hood that doesn't blow down in the wind and rain gusts. I also used a scarf , packable down jacket, and wished I'd had gloves.
In spite of all that, it was a fantastic trip, as the challenging weather wasn't all day long, (except for one day.) In fact, in the course of one day, the weather in April cycled through about four different patterns. Never leave your lodging without all your weather gear.
Hope this helps. With the appropriate gear, you'll be ready to enjoy this incredible and beautiful area. Safe travels!
Thank you fort this information. It was all useful. The information about humidity in Micronesia was very helpful. The Marmot jacket is the one. Thank you!
There is a Dutch saying about our April weather; April doet wat hij will. Which literally translates as April does what it wants. The weather in April can be anything from warm and sunny to cold and rainy. Or warm and rainy or cold but sunny. Even snow and hail are possible. And the weather can change drastically. If you check the weather forecast right before you depart, you’ll get an idea about the weather during your first days here. However should expect and prepare for all kinds of weather.
I'd like to chime in my vote for the Marmot Precip. I got it on sale at REI about 6 years ago after
doing a lot of research and comparison shopping.
Its weight is like that of a paper shopping bag, super light and fits in my Civita day pack.
Once I was enjoying a tour on Shetland wearing just a hoodie when the wind roared in. Wow.
Dug that Marmot out of my daypack and it really blocked the wind. To me, the most important travel clothing items are good shoes and truly waterproof, windproof, breathable rain coats because I would hate to kick myself for being cheap when I should have known better. Lesson learned. Safe travels!