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FYI: New day travel ticket including all public transportation in the country

For travelers planning day-trips that include trains and other forms of public transportation, there is now a great deal from NS:

off-peak Holland Day Travel Ticket - € 39

It is valid on all forms of domestic public transportation, any day, any time except Monday-Friday 6:30-9 AM

The price includes the disposable OV-Chipkaart. It is sold only on NS costumer desk or NS ticket machines and nowhere else.

For people staying in Amsterdam, this option will be cost-effective for day-trip destinations like Delft, Arnhem, Rotterdam, Giethoorn, Den Bosch, Maastricht, Nijmegen etc.

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While that pass might be a good deal for someone who is travelling extensively for one day, I prefer Tripkey (also know as the Holland Welcome Pass), because it works like an OV-Chipkaart for foreigners. You don't need a Dutch bank account, it is linked to your credit card instead. It's not a day pass--you can use it as long as you are in the Netherlands--on all public transportation including buses, trains, and trams.