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Confusion on the Holland Pass vs. IAmsterdam Card... Help!

I am a bit confused as to how the Holland Pass works. We will be in Amsterdam for 2 1/2 days. Our plan is to visit the Anne Frank house on the evening of our arrival. Touring Amsterdam will begin on our first full day. We plan to visit approximately 6 museums. (the Rijksmuseum is not on our list of things we want to see) Does the Holland Pass give free entrance to all of the museums or do you only get a limited amount of museums, based on the size of the package that you purchase? (is it so many tickets per package?)

I know that Amsterdam's GVB transportation system that is included in the IAmsterdam Card and we would be using the trams at different times. We would purchase a 48 hour IAmsterdam card and activate it on the morning of our first full day. The Hop On, Hop Off bus with the Holland Pass is not something that we would use. Any more specific advice on these two options would be much appreciated. Thanks!

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16894 posts

Rick's Amsterdam guidebook (latest edition arrived on shelves this month) states flatly that "the Holland Pass is not worth it." At, the graphic at the bottom of the page may be the most instructive part. You only get a certain number of tickets in each price package and must exchange one for a real ticket at an individual/single museum. The iAmsterdam card is more flexible and covers as much as you can fit in.

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11294 posts

If you are going to other places in the Netherlands besides Amsterdam, the Museumkaart is a great deal. It's about €60 and is good for a whole year, for museums all over the country. you can buy it at covered museums; pick one that's NOT the Rijksmuseum or the Van Gogh Museum, since these will have huge lines.

Here's the list of what's covered by the Museumkaart in Amsterdam:

The website for the Museumkaart itself is only in Dutch (you can use Google translate), but here's a picture listing, by city, of what's covered: