In the RS Amsterdam book, in the section on Edam, Volendam, and Marken, it states "all bus rides in this loop are covered by the €10 Waterland Ticket, sold by EBS bus company" (which actually now costs €12.50). It then states, "routes not covered by Amsterdam transit passes".
Does that mean I cannot use an ov-chipkaart to ride those buses? Or is it just referring to the Amsterdam Travel Ticket passes? Because the ov-chipkaart site says it can be used on all public transport.
Also, when returning from Marken the RS guide says that bus #315 connects Marken with the Amsterdam Centraal Station. But, based on what I have seen when looking online, that bus appears to go only as far as the Amsterdam Noord Metro station, and then you need to take the Metro back to the Centraal station. Does anyone know what is correct regarding that return trip?