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We will be based in Amsterdam Noord for three weeks starting July 20. We will be doing all the usual tourist stuff in central Amsterdam the first week, then going to Delft, Rotterdam, Bruges, and possibly Ghent and Antwerp the second week, and taking day trips to small villages and other attractions near Amsterdam the third week. What is the going rate for bike rentals by the day and by the week? We are trying to decide what to do. We will use bikes occasionally the first week, very little the second week, and every day the third week. Are rental bikes usually coaster bikes, three-speed bikes, 10 speed, or something else. Are there usually choices at bike rental places? Thanks for any help.

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34560 posts

I don't know what rentals offer, but I will suggest to become familiar with the traditional Dutch Upright. That is Dutch made, and used by millions.

The land is flat so you don't need many gears.

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60 posts

The cheapest bike rental I had was €7.50 per day. A smooth running 3-speed (from Meppel station). The most expensive was €21 per day (The Hague) for a sturdy town bike. Both had two hand brakes, lights, luggage rack, mud guards etc. They were the cheapest the rental place had to offer.

Ask at your hotel/ accommodation as they often have bikes to borrow or rent.

I use when planning my bike journeys. Set the route type to Scenic or Car Restricted for the most delightful routes.

There is also a free App (silhouette of two cyclists against a yellow background). The app is in Dutch only but is easy to use. It gives the same choice of routes as the web-based version. The gps navigation does use a lot of battery so I take a powerbank with me on longer journeys.

Doesn't seem to work on old iPhones (I couldn't get it to work on my wife's iPhone 6 yesterday but it works fine on my 8).

For example, the charming little village of Edam is less than an hour and a half from NDSM-Plein (where the free passenger ferry docks in Ams North / Hilton Hotel).

Please NOTE - it is illegal to cycle with your phone in your hand. I use a simple phone holder that attaches to the handlebars.

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34560 posts

You'll also want to become familiar with the uniquely Dutch built in bike locks which put a bar between the spokes just behind the seat, key operated.

I've never completely trusted them but everybody has one and it would slow somebody down. Very easy to use, and of course, no weight.

Be sure you understand and comply with the very comprehensive bicycle riding laws.

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1106 posts

I've biked in Amsterdam (hotel rental) & Delft (from a bike shop near the station, much better quality bike) & I might have seen a few bike helmets but will definitely bring my own next time as neither place had them to rent. Compared to Paris, Berlin, Copenhagen & Stockholm I found Dutch bicyclists quite a bit more 'assertive'. There may also be more cyclists on the road, I haven't looked at the statistics. If you're biking any distance, those lovely upright Dutch bikes look great on postcards, but chafe. I did 10K one day & ended up quite bruised. Given the cost of travel, paying up for nicer bikes seems like a relatively small expense. And thanks @markwilson, useful link for route planning! Will definitely use it in the future.