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Bike Tour in December

We'll be visiting Amsterdam in December. With their rainy and cold weather which is expected (while we're there ) is it worth looking into a day bike tour? We have other things planned but we're on the fence concerning this booking.

Thinking maybe the roads are slippery and in general not enjoyable? We have been on other bike tours in other places and its a great way to get introduced to a City but the weather has me questioning it.

Appreciate anyone who has done it during cold and rainy weather. Is it worth it?


Posted by
1680 posts

I would wait until you get here before you make a booking for a bike tour. Especially if you’re thinking about a bike tour in the city, as opposed to a bike tour of the countryside.
When you get here, you’ll experience that you need all of your attention to participate in the crazy busy traffic of Amsterdam. You need to be fully focused in order to prevent hitting pedestrians who suddenly step into the bike lanes, to not get in the way of locals on their bikes rushing from A to B, to avoid being run into by a food delivery guy on his electric bike etc etc etc. Therefore, you won’t have time to admire your surroundings during a bike tour.

By far the best way to get introduced to the city of Amsterdam is a canal tour, not a bike tour.

Posted by
5913 posts

The NL can also be be very windy. We were there this past April, 2024. Wind can be a major factor in an enjoyable biking adventure. Wait until you get there and check the weather. Safe travels.

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16794 posts

Having been to Amsterdam in the fall (and been pretty darn chilly half the time), I would take the advice above to wait until you get there to make a decision. Honestly, if you haven't experienced the full-on impact of bike traffic in that city, then go and observe before committing to a rental. Read up in advance on their rules of the road too, and watch some youtubes. "Look Ma, no helmets!" :O)

Not all streets will be this nuts and a tour is unlikely to take you into the worst traffic but you get the idea....

It can be a finely-tuned dance and not for the faint of heart, even in warmer/drier weather. The only ride we would have considered would have been in Vondelpark.

Posted by
1064 posts

Please heed the warnings of all advice above. It's not for the faint of heart. Even walking in Amsterdam is a hazard; for a biking tour I would not book anything ahead of time; as you need to see the reality of biking in Amsterdam as well as the weather conditions.

Posted by
330 posts

"We" being two adults? Two adults in reasonable shape and familiar with riding a bike?

I ride year round. If you dress appropriately, you'll be fine at any time of year riding a bike. Non-starters are icy conditions or steady & heavy rain, but cold or drizzling or windy are all easy to address and still have a good time.

Personally, a non-guided bike tour of Amsterdam (or even the region around Amsterdam) is easy peasy to do on your own if you're a competent cyclist. A bike from your hotel or a bike rental shop is really nice to have the whole time you are in the Netherlands.

My guess, though, is that December is not a risky time for a bike tour being sold out, so barring a significant discount for booking a non-refundable tour now, I'd definitely wait until nearer the day you want to ride and assessing the weather and your actual desire to do the ride.

Have fun! The Netherlands is truly one of the best places on earth for urban & suburban (and rural!) cycling.