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AirbnB in Amsterdam

Hi all,
I've been a long time follower of RS but my first time posting. My husband and I are spending 5 nights in Amsterdam and have booked an Airbnb (always my preferred place to stay). I've read that Amsterdam limits the number of nights (not sure if that's per month or something else?) that a place can be rented out. I'm nervous about having my reservation canceled by the owner at the last minute. Has anyone had experience staying in an AirbnB there? Am I being over cautious or should I dump now and find a hotel? Any advice and or shared experiences are most welcome.
Thanks in advance!

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359 posts

I have stayed at an AirBnb in Amsterdam, but it was a number of years ago. Since then, the city has implemented strict regulations that limit mostly the short term rentals of "entire place" listings to a total of 60 days a year. AirBnb automatically limits the use of its site for "entire place" listings to 60 days per year, but of course they don't know if the owner has listed for other nights through another service and thus exceeded the total.

My family of four is visiting Amsterdam this June and while I'm a big fan and avid user of AirBnb generally (and have stayed in AirBnb's in many places in Europe), we have made the decision to avoid the issue in Amsterdam by staying in a hotel for our stay.

You can make your own determination of course but I would encourage you to review the AirBnb website page that references bookings in Amsterdam specifically and consider your chosen AirBnb in light of the local rules. That page is found online at:

Either way, it'll be a great trip!

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3 posts

Thank you so much for the thorough reply! I have put a deposit on a rental so I hope that protects me from getting canceled. It looks like his calendar is blocked out until mid-August (we travel in early Septemeber) so hopefully we'll be ok.
Again, thanks so much for all this terrific information. Have a wonderful trip!

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539 posts

Our son stayed in an Airbnb non moveable boat on a canal, and enjoyed that experience. Maybe something like that then on to a hotel to split up your stay.

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3 posts

I had considered a houseboat but feel that we would be so "exposed". I do have an apartment and I just hope my confirmation and payment will keep my reservation secure!

Thanks for answering.