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DeArk Restaurant in Haarlem closed?

Just a heads up to other travelers, earlier tonight we walked to the street address listed in the most recent RS book, and there was MAJOR demolition/ gutting of the space going on. No sign on the outside either. We were definitely at Nieuw Heiligland 3. If it is gone, that would be a shame.

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34701 posts

I don't know that address nor the restaurant, but I've just had a look at the official planning website for Haarlem and found (formatting lost):=

Haarlem, ingekomen aanvraag omgevingsvergunning Nieuw Heiligland 3-5

2016-02025, verbouwen tot appartementen, 24 maart 2016

So an application was received for the conversion, but I haven't seen the result.

So numbers three to five will be converted into apartments if approved, and it sounds like something has already started.

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115 posts

Nigel, thank you for that information and translation. It has definitely started.

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34701 posts

It might also help if I had translated the date of the filing for you... 24th March 2016.