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Avoid “Pompa” restaurant in Amsterdam

Pompa restaurant is a cute-looking place, address Willemsparkweg 6 — basically that is the continuation of the Paulus Potterstraat, but below Van Baerlestraat (all just southwest of Museumplein).

It advertises itself as “mediterrane keuken” (Mediterranean cuisine) and looks charming from outside on a cold January night.

But I got food poisoning there so bad that I was up half the night puking and otherwise.

When I checked out of the hotel the next morning and mentioned it to the owner, she gasped and said I was the second client to mention getting food poisoning there.

So avoid it like the plague !!!!

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15156 posts

Urk....duly noted on my itinerary!

What an awful thing to have happen on your trip to Amsterdam. Interesting the hotel owner knew of another "victim" and it does not bode well for yours being an isolated incident.

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11833 posts

I had a similar experience with a meal in Taormina, Sicily but It didn’t hit me until we arrived at Heathrow on our way home and were in a hotel there. Had to see an MD, and stay two extra nights. It was the worst!

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10502 posts

Oh Suki, that is definitely worse.

I realized that morning that if worse came to worse, the hotel still had rooms available for that night, and I would just have to buy a new train ticket to get home. It would have cost me, but at least i could have stayed inside worshipping at the porcelain throne if it had still been going on !! Your situation sounds ten times worse, I am so sorry.

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2440 posts

This restaurant should have been reported to a government agency so that they could investigate what the problem is / was.

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2508 posts

Oof, Kim, so sorry that happened to you! Food poisoning is so demoralizing, no matter where you are.

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3330 posts

Had an overnight stopover in Paris near Rue Claire a few years ago when flying from Florence to Miami. Arrived New Year’s Eve. Alitalia lost my luggage. Most restaurants were closed until they re-opened late for New Year celebrations. Only place around was a Chinese restaurant on Av. Bosquet. Brought in the New Year on the Champ de Mars and returned to the Hotel Beaugency. Woke up at 1:30 and spent most of the next four hours in the bathroom due to food poisoning. I had to get a Metro at 6 to get to CDG praying that the eruptions had stopped. My prayers were answered but my flight was delayed for 5 hours and I still felt miserable. The 3 Magi brought gifts on the Epiphany, a delivery service brought my luggage!

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8805 posts

Our only experience like this was a little cafe off the tourist track in Paris where my husband and I had salad composees -- his had shrimp in it. He barely made it back to the apartment and was sick as a dog. I love shrimp -- I can't believe I didn't end up with a shrimp dish. Neither of us has been able to look at a salad composee since.

It is mostly luck. I remember eating a lot of fried rice in Asia as an appropriately safe option. When I was in Singapore there was an article in the paper about a large local family who had had a family celebration at a restaurant where the fried rice had been made from rice made the day before and left sitting out -- they all ended up in the hospital with very serious food poisoning. Apparently it is common to leave cooked rice sitting out and it is prone to bacterial growth.

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9436 posts

I’m really sorry Kim, thanks for sharing.
I got food poisoning at a café on rue Cler. Horrible experience, three days on the bathroom floor. It’s bad enough at home but all the worse when you’re paying for a hotel room and losing valuable vacation time.

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10836 posts

So sorry, Kim. Miserable.
I got it in the Rouergue, a meat sauces on spaghetti in a traditional French restaurant. I should have known better and ordered something with a lot of turnover rather than a recipe that uses leftovers.