At the risk attracting the enmity of those who want others to simply hyperventilate at the mention of ZTLs, in the spirit of "fair and balanced" information I wish to offer a slightly different viewpoint. Kent includes a fine map, and I believe that though the ZTLs are quite comprehensive, one can avoid a fine by staying on the roads highlit in yellow. Behold the yellow roads, they lead to parking areas. Stick to the yellow roads and you will not fall into iniquity.
Now, there are lots of folks who would say, don't take the risk! That's fine. But information is power, and I would feel confident about the ability to stay on a route and park at the train station parking garage. If the prospect of confusion frightens you into a state of partial paralysis, busing or training in would be best. If international driving is not new to you and you are fairly confident behind the wheel, I would take the "never drive in Florence" comments with a grain of salt. Lots of tourists successfully negotiate the cities with ZTLs...they like maps, know how to read them, and bring the requisite sangfroid to bear. There's no sense in inciting panic in those who are already committed to driving in Florence because they've reserved a hotel and rental car there.
I received ZTL tickets before I knew what ZTLs were. But I certainly didn't get them going to or coming from the train station. Which is a fine parking location, close to everything. I say study the map...enlist the help of a navigator if a volunteer steps forward....and just do it.