I have been reading about the Zona traffico Limitato and wondered if there was any accommodation for Handicapped Drivers/people? I know there is a lot of steps in Italy in places like Rome and Tuscany as well as Florence and wanted to know if we could get closer to the city than the ZTL allows. I read somewhere that with a handicapped placard you could enter the ZTL but that's not a chance I want to take! Your comments are appreciated. Michael & Sherry
A little Googling turns up the following info: Your US handicapped placard should be recognized in EU countries for parking purposes, but apparently not for ZTL access. http://www.internationaltransportforum.org/IntOrg/ecmt/accessibility/parking.html At least in Florence, even if you have an Italian handicapped placard (a "contrassegno invalidi"), you still have to apply for a special temporary pass to enter a ZTL. http://en.comune.fi.it/mobility/driving.html
Just try not to park your car inside Florence proper. Park at the train station or somewhere with public parking and walk. I have horrible back issues, and am limited, but Florence is the most walkable city that I've been to in Italy and there are many cafes to stop and take a rest. Maybe Roberto will give info or find him on another post and PM him. He grew up in Florence and probably knows where the public parking is. The train station is very near Mercado Centrale. There are cafes and places to rest there before you go on. Take the city bus up to Piazza Michelangelo it's a difficult walk from down in the city. I ride the bus, and my husband walks it much to my chagrin.
There was a recent posting within the past couple of months from someone complaining about getting a ticket WITH the US Handicap placard. So you take your chances even with the US card.
ZTLs are like other traffic restrictions for motorized traffic, in that being on a handicapped-fit vehicle doesn't automatic give exemptions. Firenze is mostly flat anyway, at least the areas where almost all major attractions are.