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ZLT permit florence Italy

I will be renting a car in Florence, Italy, near the central train station, on Oct. 17, 2024 and driving to outside of Siena. From what I have read, there is no way to get out of the rental car agencies without going through a ZLT zone. I have also read that rental agencies can register rental car license plate with the ZLT authorities so that as a tourist you are not fined - for a limited number of entrances to ZLT zone. Does anyone know how I get this done?

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8278 posts

I believe there is a route out from the train station that avoids the ZTLs. Hotels are able to register vehicles, so I imagine a rental car agency can if needed.

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1779 posts

There is no problem in getting out, as accesses are monitored but not exits. (This may change in the future).

You should better ask the agency for an exit itinerary and stick to it; if you do not give us the exact address we cannot advise you. You run only two risks:
1. Some itineraries are internal to ZTL areas but are allowed to anybody. But if you leave the allowed itineraries you enter ZTL from a forbidden point (this may happen at via della Scala: at the corner with via S. Caterina da Siena you can turn right but not left - or at Vespucci bridge, coming from via Curatatone you can drive the bridge but not the lungarno)
2. you can foil a lane reserved to bus (concrete danger at via della Scala, coming from via Rucellai: as you turn left, stay on the left lane!)

Agencies can register plates if you need to access the ZTL in order to return the car. But if the agency is on one of the allowed itineraries, there is no need to register. Again, without the exact address nobody can tell.

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16262 posts

The rental car agency can register your car on the City's White List (list of temporarily authorized vehicle) if it is needed to return the car (that is probably the case to return to Hertz at Via Alamanni).
It is not needed to exit the city center.

Christine has posted above the directions from and to the Interpark Garage Europa on Borgo Ognissanti. I don't think rental car companies are using that garage anymore starting this year. They seem to have moved to the underground garage under Piazza della Stazione at Firenze Santa Maria Novella station.

I have updated the return instructions to that underground garage in the thread below.