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WWOOFing Italy

I have a friend who is WWOOFing in Italy for 5 weeks. The trip sounded amazing. However once she got there it was not what she bargained for. She is expected to work 14 hour days 7 days a week. All of the WWoofing volunteers at this farm think this situation is really bad. I'd like to find her a way out of this...but need help in helping her since she can't leave the farm to get internet access.

Any suggestions about getting her into another farm or helping her get out of this would be helpful!
Helping a friend

Posted by
93 posts

I've never heard of wwoofing, but what you describe is against the law here in the US and I'm sure it's the same around the world.

That sounds like exploitation, or even the training center for an abusive cult. I'd contact the authorities in Italy.

Posted by
619 posts

here is a UK website which explains WWOOFing -

WWOOF is working as a volunteer on an organic farm. You are provided with accommodation, but no pay, and it is a working holiday.

There is no problem doing it in your own country, and Europeans have the right to live and work in any other European country. However, there may be special requirements for U.S. and other overseas citizens who want to do voluntary work in Europe.

It's a recognised, popular and legal practice, but some farmers could take advantage of the volunteers. Why doesn't she just leave?

Posted by
8293 posts

Now, why can't this young woman leave the farm in question? Is she being held captive? Does she not have any money? If all the volunteers at this farm feel as she does, why do they not all leave at once, in a show of solidarity? Why do they not all go to the nearest police station, or church or mayor's office, or newspaper office and complain very loudly?

Posted by
3580 posts

The friend contacted Nicole, so she has some means of contacting the outside world. Since this is a volunteer set-up, why not either set your own hours or walk away. I assume this is a real message and not a hoax. The work-site must be miles from a town. Towns are closer together in Italy than in, say, Nevada. Just start walking, "friend," until you reach a town and a phone/internet/police station. Nicole, please tell us how you are communicating with your friend.

Posted by
16737 posts

This is direct from the WWOOF Italy website:

"If for some reason the situation is not satisfactory for you discuss it with you hosts and if a solution cannot be reached you are under no obligation to stay if the situation is intolerable. Any feedback to us would be appreciated."

Are you sure your friend wasn't looking for a cheap holiday and is shocked she has to actually work?

If she's being held "prisoner," then you need to contact WWOOF Italy and the nearest U.S. Consulate.

Posted by
2 posts

No my friend does not have problem working and knew what she was getting into. However she didn't know how many hours and days she would be working. We have friends who have done this before and worked only 6 hours a day and only 5 days a week.

She is contacting me via text message and cell phone. It isn't always easy to make arrangements to change your plans when you're miles from a town and you have no idea what to do. I know she can walk away but you can't just leave the place your staying and walk miles and miles in a foreign country to get to a hostel or hotel.

Yes I too went to the Woofing Italy website but it doesn't tell how or where to contact someone if there is a problem. she doesn't have the WWOOFing contact information to get a hold of them that is why I was asking this post.

Posted by
8293 posts

Well, if things are as desperate as you and she say they are, then she has to put on her big girl pants and just get the hell out of there. She CAN walk miles & miles, people do it all the time to escape bad situations. Depending on you to rescue her when you are thousands of miles away is a bit much. If she can text you she can text the American Embassy in Rome, if you give her the contact information, and make her case.

Posted by
16737 posts

You won't find a phone because their headquarters is on a farm.

However, WWoof USA (also a farm) has a phone number and they might be able to help:

831 – 425 – FARM (3276)

They say it's a voicemail.

Posted by
2193 posts

Presumably, she wants to do this kind of work, and her hosts would like to have the help. It would seem that both are into organic farming and stand to benefit from the arrangements provided through WWOOF. So, I would advise your friend to first meet with her hosts immediately to discuss the unreasonable work hours and propose a more acceptable arrangement that both parties can agree on. If something cannot be worked out during the meeting, she should leave the farm without delay. She shouldn’t spend another minute there without having this meeting. If she has to leave and they give her any trouble, she should call the police…research and provide her with the number for the local police. In the meantime, perhaps you can research nearby towns with lodging that she can get to from the farm and let her know the best mode of transport. Perhaps you can even reserve a room for her. You can also research other farms in the region that she can contact once she arrives in town. Maybe she’ll get an opportunity to work on another farm, maybe she’ll need to transition to a regular vacation and see Italy since she’s already in country, or perhaps she’ll need to head home. In any case, she’ll have to chalk this one up as a learning experience and will probably be much more inclined to do better advance research the next time around. Good luck!

Posted by
108 posts

I hope your friend ends up OK as well as happier and wiser. Will you please let us know how this played out? I think there may be something to learn from all this!


Posted by
9326 posts

The thing with volunteer work is that it is just that, volunteer. No one can force you to work longer hours or more days then what you want to work unless some sort of punishment is involved. I find it hard to believe that if, as a group, no one wants to work over 6 hours, that they just don't stop working, as in - "I am done for the day and I am going back to the bunkhouse." Who or what is "making" people work 14 hours a day? Is this done by with-holding of meals, threats of punishment or shame or what? If any of those, then this organization should be reported to the authorities.

Posted by
365 posts

"That's the sound of the men...wwoofing on the"

C'mon, everybody sing!

Posted by
93 posts

Michael's advise is good- and I would add that you contact her and have a schedule when she will contact you after a short period of time- if you don't hear from her contact the US government about her situation and have the consulate in Italy get involved.

Better safe than sorry.