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Wrong names on train tickets

I purchased 2 of our train tickets this week. Both times I was doing them while working and was interrupted and made errors on the names. I should know better than to multi task.

1st issue - Trenitalia. I misspelled the first name by one letter. Do I need to call and change this to have the name match the ID?

2nd issue - Italo - I used my common Name Kathy instead of my Legal name Katherine on my ID. Do I need to call and change this to have the name match the ID?

I was told that they didn't check the names on the tickets vs. ID's so I shouldn't have an issue. I just want to make sure of this.

Thank you

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1233 posts


They will scan the presented QR code at most and for fast trains they may glance at the tickets to be sure you have them and/or are in the right seats. If you 'check in' fast train tickets on Trenitalia they probably won't even talk to you just check you off as they pass by. There is no checking of details or confirmation of being the exact ticket holder listed.

Don't sweat it and have a great trip,

Posted by
549 posts

Agreed. You shouldn't have a problem with either company.