Looking to spend January /February in southern italy. Seeking feedback from others on where to stay. There will only be 2 of us with possible visitors (2-4) during our stay. This is to escape the winters in Canada. Something within walking distance to a beach, town, shopping etc would be great.
Sicily. We spent a week there last Jan. Warm enough for a t shirt and light pants most days. At most a light long sleeve or light jacket was needed. Where in Sicily depends on what you want to see/do etc.
While you specified the south, if you are passing through Rome, you might want to spend a a few days there. I've been there twice in Jan/Feb. The weather has been like San Francisco (50s, some rain, some overcast); cool, but probably warm compared to Ontario. These were wonderful, crowd-free visits that gave me a much better feel for the city/people than my visits during nice weather.
Calabria or Sicilia! Ciao!
I agree with going to Sicily. To start, I'd look at Ortigia in the east or Trapani in the west.
Maybe Sardinia?