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Wine Skins/Sleeves

Does anyone know if one can find bottle skins, sleeves, protectors, what have you for transportating bottles in suit cases here in Rome? Thank you.

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4 posts

@jules m.
Thx for the quick reply. I looked into it but it'd be cutting it very close. I was hoping for a more local solution.

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6735 posts

Lately, people have been recommending a product that looks like bubble wrap. My son swears by them for air travel. I looked at them at Macy's. IMO, they are basically bubble wrap cut and formed to size.{creative}&hvpos={adposition}&hvnetw=o&hvrand={random}&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvqmt=e&hvdev=c&hvdvcmdl={devicemodel}&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=&hvtargid=pla-4584413737086348&psc=1 So if you can't find the skins, perhaps a packing store or office supply store can sell you bubble wrap. I would insert them into another plastic bag as well. I wish I could help more!

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110 posts

I use the large 3 gallon zip lock bags, pack my bottles between my clothes and I've never had an issue. Once returning from Greece our luggage was delayed by 2 days and I expected to see broken bottles, everything arrived in intact.

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9149 posts

I have asked at wine shops in Italy a couple of times before, and they did not have them, and would only provide bubble wrap if you bought some of their wine. Maybe you'll have better luck.

The advantage to the Wineskins and similar products, is that they have sealed openings, and tough skin, so that if the bottle does shatter, the wine won't soak everything in your luggage. So if you can't find one, you might pack it in several layers of plastic bags, as well as the cushioning. If I have more glass bottles or jars than I have 'skins, I'll slip them into some socks as well.

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4 posts

Thank you everyone for the feedback. I'm gonna layer them up in plastic as much as I can and wrap them up in clothing.

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4 posts

FYI. I ended up finding some for about €4 at a store at "touristy" Via Nazionale. You know, the ones with all the flavored liquors, wine, etc.

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8345 posts

My "wineskins" are just my dirty clothes. While containing the liquid from a broken bottle might seem logical, you also have a bunch of sharp shards of glass inside a plastic bag, meaning leaks are going to happen.

But not to worry, if you purchase better wine, it is usually in a heavier bottle with a punt on the bottom. All this makes the bottle very durable. In maybe 100 to 200 bottles over the years, I have never had one break, all I recall is a can of beer and a cheap bottle of wine (thin glass) break. Just wrap each bottle and make sure there is additional padding on all four sides and top and bottom. Dirty underwear is a plus, it deters the TSA guys from disturbing your packing. In a basic carry on size bag, you can safely fit six bottles.