I'm currently in Monterosso and from my terrace I can see a group of people removing flowers from their stems (maybe 10 people total - men and women - of varying ages). Empty stems are going in the trash. I cannot find any info on cultural traditions, any idea what they are doing? Did not want to yell downstairs and interrupt then from above!
Sunday is the celebration of Corpus Domini (Pentacost). Many communities celebrate with an 'infiorata' which is the decoration of a sidewalk or similar with designs made of flower petals. Lucky you - they will be doing the designs tomorrow morning for some ceremonies later in the day.
It's Corpus Christi; Pentecost was last week.
But what a great opportunity! Are you going to be there Sunday?
Mea Culpa.
Ego te absolvo.
Dominus vobiscum et cum spiritu tuo.
Many towns have an infiorita during May, June or July. Good thing you didn't yell at the people.
Ite Missa est
Thank you, everyone! Unfortunately we had to take the train out today and we never saw any of what was described. Off to Firenze now!
Deo gratias.
Corpus Christi is also celebrated in parts of Germany. I was in my hotel in a village near Munich on Thursday morning and heard the band/orchestra coming down the street. Onto the balcony in time to see the whole procession go by - with choirs, all the religious and civic dignitaries following the crucifix and candles, and the covered monstrance of the Host, and followed up by the fire brigade and Red Cross emergency trucks.
It is the Thursday in most of the world, Sunday in Italy.
The true date is also Thursday in Italy, some of the events are just moved for convenience.
It's Sunday in the States, as well. Or at least it is in our diocese. Some of these dates are set by the local diocese.
Does anyone else get the feeling some of us spend way too much time on this Forum?
***Does anyone else get the feeling some of us spend way too much time on this Forum?*
Is that possible?
What did you say... huh?
The house is on fire.??!? .... just a sec while I finish zzttt
Maybe this would explain the little shrines set up in store windows and on small tables in front of people's homes here in Dingle, Ireland yesterday?
Quite possibly.
As for this thread, Consummatum est.
Amen to that.