We will be in Tuscany for 5 days (based in Siena) In August and will have a rental car. We've been to Montepulciano, Pienza, Orvieto and Volterra previously and would like to visit some new places. Our main criteria is how photo worthy the town is. I'm planning to spend a day in Florence and a few hours in Pitigliano and Spello but aside from these towns, I'd like suggestions regarding which other towns to visit. I am thinking about visiting Assisi but I'm uncertain as to how picturesque Assisi is; I know it's a popular town to visit due to its religious importance. If we visit Assisi, would it be possible to also visit Spello in the same day? All suggestions/input welcome.
I, too had doubts about Assisi, because I'm not a religious person. But I found the city really lovely. However, I don't have a photographer's eye--barely take any photos at all. So it may not be photogenic in the way you seek.
Thanks Acraven...I know a lot of people love Assisi but wasn't sure if it was due to religious reasons or not. I want to visit Spello and will probably visit Assisi in combination with Spello on the same day unless there is another town nearby that is more interesting to visit.
Urbino (I know it's not in Umbria, but it's easy from Gubbio)
IMO, Assisi is somewhat picturesque, but there are better choices. There are a lot of good photo op's in the Val d'Orcia area, including the famous winding road which is near Montechiello. You might also enjoy visiting the Abbey of Sant Animo.
Siena is terrific. San Gimignano after the buses leave in early morning or late evening. Montepulciano is my favorite of the hill towns and is very photogenic and has stunning views from its ramparts. Many of the photos of 'pattern's in my photo journal under Tuscany were taken from the ramparts of Montepulciano. https://janettravels.wordpress.com/2011/09/20/patterns/ You can't swing a cat in this part of the world without hitting something photogenic. The abbeys Monte Oliveto Maggiore and Sant Antimo are in stunning settings and lovely.
Well, I thought Assisi was quite photogenic and picturesque and I was not visiting for any religious reasons - I have some great photos from there. I liked Cortona a lot for photos and I also agree with Janet that San Gimignano is very photo worthy if you can be there early morning or in the evening when the crowds thin out. We stayed in Montecatini Terme and I took tons of photos, loved the Art Nouveau buildings of the spas and I even took several photos of the very pink train station. It's a newer town but you can take the funicular up to Montecatini Alto, the older medieval town on the hill above - very photogenic and has wonderful views of the Tuscan countryside from up there.
Trevi is situated on a beautiful hill ringed by olive groves.
San Gimignano also has some wonderful pictures. Especuially walking around the outside of town in the vineryards with the city in the background. I also love Cita Della Pieve in Umbira. Not many tourists at all. Another town is Bolsena on Lake Bolsensa with great shots of the town and lake from outside the city
Someone mentioned Urbino but that belongs to me Marche not to Umbria or Tuscany.
It is lovely though.
Just a question, why none of you seem to visit the Tuscan archipelago?
Assissi is one of my favorite towns of all in Tuscany / Umbria and I'm an atheist. I think it's extremely photogenic. I've been to many of the towns named so far (have stayed in Montepulciano and Siena twice), but Assissi and... Montalcino are my favorites.
Thanks for the wonderful suggestions. I forgot to include San Gimignano in my list of towns we've previously visited. Loved it though! I will definitely research all the other suggested towns!
I loved Assisi and I'm not even Christian. It's a beautiful city with lots to see - don't miss the Roman museum. I can't imagine not spending a full day there, unless you're only going for some photo ops.
My husband and I thought Assisi was beautiful. At first glance, to me it is an amazing view since everything looks like it was designed to match. Wonderful views since it has a lot of vertical with it.