We are currently booked to stay at Albergo Bernini in Siena, but we are concerned about the parking situation there. We were told that we can park at La Fortezza which is a short walk to the hotel, but we cannot be assured of finding a FREE parking space there when we need one. Also, I believe they have a market on Wednesdays and street cleaning a couple of days a week , so we would end up having to move the car really, really early in the morning. And who knows where we could park while they market or clean.
I am looking at Hotel Porta Romana which is right outside the "gates" of Siena (and only about a 15-20 minute walk to Il Campo) and they have free parking. The reviews of this place are not nearly as good as Albergo Bernini. So we are trying to decide which way to go.
Has anyone stayed at any of these two places? Please shed some light.