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Which Day of the Week for Vatican Museums

Hi everyone,

I'll be visiting Rome for the first time in February, arriving the afternoon of Friday, 2/7 and departing for Florence mid-day Wednesday, 2/12. I originally planned to visit the Vatican Museums on Tuesday, 2/11, but when I went online to reserve tickets, I noticed that this happens to be one the dates the museum is closed in 2020.

I know that Saturdays and Mondays are both supposed to be busy since the Vatican Museums are closed on Sundays. However, does anyone have a recommendation as to which day of the week would be preferable?

Thanks for your help!


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102 posts

Hello Kathryn
Saturday can be very busy - however weekdays see many school groups visiting and with the closure on Tuesday the 11th - Vatican City`s national holiday to celebrate the signing of the Lateran Treaty - that week may have added groups. So Saturday may be your best bet.

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1157 posts

Find out when there is a papal public audience - I think they are Wednesdays. We went then and the crowd in St Peters was huge but the line to the Museums was very reasonable.

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2 posts

Re: JJ Ashley: Good thought! I wouldn't have considered the school groups. Thank you for your help!

Re: DarrenBlois: We've already booked train tickets to Florence for Wednesday and unfortunately, based on our departure time, I don't think we would have adequate time at the museum before leaving. Thank you for suggestion, though!