My adapter plug set has two similar adapters labeled for Europe. One, marked "NW-1" has thinner prongs than the other marked "MW-10. The prongs seem to be the same length. Any help on which is which would be appreciated. Thanks.
I agree with Steve's comment. The thicker prongs are for the north and the thinner prongs are for southern Europe including Italy. To be safe, you might want to bring both as adapters are not that large. The thinner pronged adapter will often also work in northern Europe but not necessarily vice-versa. I discovered this the hard way when I took my hair dryer purchased in Sweden only to find that the prongs were too fat to fit in the outlet in Italy.
Jeff, I'm assuming the Plug Adapters you're referring to have two round pins similar to These? As the others have mentioned, it would probably be a good idea to bring both types.
Definitely bring both; I've had adapter plugs fall out of outlets in Belgium, France, Germany, etc., and was glad to have the thicker-pronged adapter. And sometimes the thicker ones didn't fit...and I was glad to have the thinner ones......Similar to my home - I've noticed when using one appliance in different rooms that some outlets are 'looser' than others. Make sure you don't leave the adapter in the wall; it happens more often than you'd think :-(
Hi Jeff. I think you want the one with the thicker prongs. My adapter set sounds similar - it has 2 possible adapters for Europe. I bring them both just to be sure, but I think I've used only the one with the thicker prongs. I don't know what the markings mean - my set has a purple triangle outline for the thinner one and a solid purple triangle for the thicker one.
Thanks, One set I have has no other markings. The other has yellow and red? Weird. The only thing I'll need it for is my camera battery charger and I do have 2 battery packs.
"Thick" plugs= Northern EU/ Italy, "thin" plugs = Southern Italy
Thanks to all.Yes,Ken, my adapters look like photo 1
The problem I had last fall in Germany. (I'm thinking I had the same problem in Italy, but I'm not sure.) If you also need a converter. The outlets were set in a round recess. I couldn't plug my converter directly into the outlet, and needed the adapter. A second adapter turned out to be very helpful.
I have the Universal Adaptor that is pictured at the web site that Jeff posted. I assume that it will work in Rome, Venice and Florence? Gary
Thanks, we are only traveling in Italy on this trip, but Venice,Florence,Rome and Cinque Terre. Guess we'll take both just to be safe.
Definitely take both. I've used both in Italy, depending on the room. As Eileen said, it's not uncommon to leave the adapters in the wall when departing for your next destination. Since you're only using it for a camera charger, I would use some electrical tape to attach the thick pronged adapter to your cord (you don't say which part of Europe that you're travelling, but the thicker ones are the ones that I use most). And Take extras, they're cheap.
While we're talking about power, let me add this: I assumed that I would need a voltage converter for my iPhone & camera chargers, and was about to order one. I saw a post that said that some chargers don't need a voltage converter, so I checked mine. Both the iPhone and camera chargers are 110-240 volts, so all I need is a plug adapter!
In typical Italy fashion, some places here feature BOTH types in the same place. In my house, half of the outlets are the thick kind and half are the thin kind and this is actually quite common here. I don't understand the thinking behind that but let's face it, the Italians are not known for their efficiency. Luckily you can buy the little plastic adapters for a buck or so.
Rik, what a great answer!. I think that makes perfect sense-in a Douglas Adams sort of logic. Maybe they started with one plug and went to another size later, or maybe the "wrong" size plugs were on sale because they got shipped to the wrong place, or maybe they're teleport stations in another dimension, or maybe their electricians just don't care-"hey, we got these on the shelf already". I ran into a wiring situation in my daughter's house where the wires were crossed on several receptacles -still worked, but a grounding issue. Anyone who ever wired even one outlet knows the white wire goes on the silver screw and the black wire goes on the gold screw. They are even labeled black and white. So one would think the professional electrician who put the outlets in wold maybe know this??