Hi, I'm a first timer to Venice, going with a friend. We will be in the city for three nights and are looking for somewhere to stay, either hostel or hotel, for around 30 euro per person per night. Thanks for any advice/help
Wow. That's really really low for Venice, which may be the most expensive city to stay in in Italy. When are you going? Rates vary by season. You could try Foresteria della Chiesa Valdese or the youth hostel on the Giudecca at www.ostellovenezia.it. Good luck.
We are looking to travel around the end of March ... and can go as high as 100 euro for both of us per night, but trying to keep it as cheap as possible
Got it. Good for you for wanting to stay in Venice proper. That's by far the best way to experience that beautiful city. Do check out those two places I suggest. They are RS recommendations for dorm-style housing, although if you're talking March of this year, they may already be booked up. Good luck.
Try a monastery stay at Don Orione Artigianelli: http://www.donorione-venezia.it
Last time I went cheap in Venice, I got a 5 watt light bulb and had to pay extra for a hot shower. I kept tripping over the furniture at night. Our room was a shock after staying in cheaper rooms in Germany & Austria. You'll need to do some investigation on accommodations on the internet. Try AirBnB.com and BBPlanet.com for lower end places to stay at. You may have to Google "Venice hostels" to find a place that meets your needs. I've been there 5 or 6 times, and it's a great city.
This B&B might be under €100 for the two of you http://www.aitagliapietra.com/homepage.htm. We liked it very much and it is very convenient.
Check out Hotel Bernardi.
Another cheap - and nice - option is Alloggi Alla Scala.
Hello, try www.hostelbookers.com. Just make sure you are right in Venice and not on the mainland. Good luck.