I'll be staying in Rome for two weeks in June. I'm planning on renting an apartment (Airbnb, etc). Where do you recommend that I look in the city? I've been to Rome twice very briefly and don't feel that familiar with the neighborhoods. I'd like to be close to public transportation, in a neighborhood that's not too rowdy or loud at night (although some street noise is always to be expected). Near shopping and restaurants would be great as well. Thanks for all your suggestions and help!!
My absolute favorite is Monti. I'd also suggest Prati and Testaccio for a two week stay. A lot of people like Trestevre also. I have spent many days/nights there but it seems to be a loud tourist hub to me. I realize my humble opinion is in contrast to many of those here though. Monti isn't far from Termini if you need to be near it for some reason. I was there a couple of years ago with my dad who had knee replacement surgery a couple of months prior to leaving and we walked to everything except the Vatican. I've rented a few different places in Monti, Campo, and across from Borghese. Also a few hotels. Monti Has been my favorite so far.
Get the Rick Steves book specifically about Rome, if you don't have it already. For two weeks, I would consider staying in two or three different neighborhoods rather than both in just one. My suggestions would be Monti and Trastevere, as long as you get an apartment with a bedroom window that does NOT open out onto the street. In Trastevere, look for a place that's a little south of Piazza Santa Maria in Trastevere or on the east side of Viale di Trastevere, up toward the Isola Tiberina. The area between Piazza Trilussa and PSM in TV is party central at night, so try to avoid that.
Thanks for your suggestions!! I booked an apartment in Monti just a few blocks from the Cavour metro station. Can't wait to visit Rome this summer!!