6 days in Florence would be heaven...there is so much to see and do and if you try to see it all in just a few short days you will suffer from 'culture overload'. The evenings in Florence are wonderful to sit and watch the people and listen to the Bosnian music players stroll around.
Visit Romanelli's art place, they are world famous for their sculptures, bronzes and table tops, and they ship any where in the world...very historic place. I sought out a brass foundry in Florence and brought back wall sconces and door hardware, actually they shipped it back.
The villas to visit, the gardens, and all of the sights take time to visit and digest. RS's book is a wonderful guide for what to do. Dine late in the evening and enjoy witnessing the night life.
Then stop in Orvieto, there is a wonderful lady there who will paint dishes for you and ship them back to you....she will personalize them however you like...she is very talented. If you like to buy items of local artist, get Laura Morelli's book, MADE IN ITALY....it is a good guide as to where to buy and what not to buy in certain cities.
One can not help but have a wonderful time in Florence, take it slow and obsorb the feel of what Bernini must have felt when he designed all of the fountains.
St. Louis