My husband & I will be in Milan the day before flying home. We only have time to see the Last Supper since we will be coming from the Cinque Terre that morning, so looking for late afternoon tickets. Does anyone have any suggestions on whom to buy the tickets from? We don't necessarily need to be part of a tour. Just need a guarantee to get in to view.
Also, does the site send tickets or are they to be picked up? Worried about how to locate any kind of box office if they need to be picked up. We will not have a car. Date needed is Sun. May 7.
Thank you!
Here is the website to book your tickets:
Keep in mind that there is free admission to the Last Supper every first Sunday of the month, but you still need to reserve your tickets.
When you check the link above, tickets are not available for May yet, so keep checking daily because I presume that the tickets for May 7th (first Sunday of the month) will go very fast!
You may also call to reserve your tickets: +39 02 92800360 (011-39-02-9280-0360 when calling from the U.S.)
Have a wonderful trip!
Thank you Barbara & Priscilla. Unfortunately, I have problems with both your suggestions.
Barbara, your suggestion only offers a 9:30 am tour and at $44 per ticket. That is too early and impossible. Also, if first Sunday is free, why are they charging?
Priscilla, when I entered your suggestion, it was not in English and found no place that offered to change it.
It's odd because I linked the website in English.
Try this one here.
If not in English, you can change it by clicking on the word, "English", on the very top left of the webpage (above the painting), it's difficult to see because it's written in tiny letters. this is the o official website in English. You have to be ready for when the ticket sale starts. If you can't find them, you'll have to go through a third party, if you search " last supper" on Google, many results will show, it will be more expensive though.
Vivaticket is the official site that you should head to first. They sell 2-3 months in advance.
8 Feb is when May tickets go on sale.[evento]&id_show=63954&idt=744
If you use a ticket broker, you may be able to get tickets earlier than on the official site at 100% markup over face value. Be sure to get the Cenacolo or Last Supper only, not a tour.
In any case, you will receive an email voucher (or ticket), which you take to the ticket window that is at the entrance, it is a different entrance from the church.
And don't sign any petitions.
Please note: As David has pointed out, February 8th is the date when May tickets will become available for booking, so be prepared since Italy is 7 hours ahead of your time zone.
If it were me, I'd call a few days prior to Feb 8th and ask what time tickets will become available.
Keep in mind that even though tickets are free on the first Sunday of the month, you still pay €2 booking fee.
Here's another thought... Have you considered arriving to Milan on Saturday, May 6th?
I just don't know how likely it will be to be able to reserve tickets for the free Sunday.