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Where to buy Vaporetto tickets

At the smaller stops in Venice, such as Ospedale, where there is no ticket window, how can I buy Vaporetto tickets? Is there a ticket machine and does it take cash? Thank you.

Posted by
5316 posts

Depending on how long you plan to stay in Venice, you may look into buying a 24, 48 or 72 hour vaporetto pass.

Keep in mind that a single-ride vaporetto fare is €7.

Refer to this website for more information:

You can always buy a ticket from the sailor/attendant (on the platform), but you must do this before embarking, or you may be fined if the conductor finds you without a ticket/pass!

Don't forget to validate your ticket on the white machine prior to boarding!

Enjoy your trip!

Posted by
17604 posts

There might be a ticket machine but if there is not, and you do not have a pass, be diligent about observing the rules for buying from the boat staff. Do not even set foot on the boat without telling the staff person standing by the boarding gate that you need a ticket. Look him or her in the eye and say "I need a ticket" or the equivalent. The word for tickets in Italian is biglietti. Make sure this person acknowledges you, and then board and stand nearby so he or she does not have to go looking for you.

I say to be diligent because I have read too many recent accounts by people who boarded, waited for the boat to be underway, and then went looking for the right person to buy a ticket. That is too late and these people were fined---I think it is €80.

Technically you are not supposed to even be on the boarding dock without a ticket--there are signs to that effect----but where there is no ticket booth or machine the rule does not apply.

If there is a ticket machine it should take cash---we bought them that way. The boatman will take cash too.

Priscilla's suggestion of a pass is a good way to avoid this problem. If youndon't want a pass for your whole time, you can group your travel into one 24-hour period and buy that pass. If you do that, your last voyage is supposed to be completed before the pass expires, but I don't know how they check on that. Make sure you validate your pass just like a ticket before boarding.

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21748 posts

The tickets have RFID chips in them and you validate them by putting it close to the reader and it will beep (and I believe flash green). I actually just keep it in my wallet and pass my wallet close to the reader and it reads it and beeps. So exactly 24 hours after first use of a 24-hour ticket, it should no longer beep. I've never tested it and it might not be perfect. People reported here a few weeks ago that, even though they did not buy the 4 euro airport bus adder, their pass beeped when they got on the No 5 bus.

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1540 posts

I rode the train into Venice and walked out of the train station (Santa Lucia), and walked right to the canal.
It is a vap stop and ticket booth. I bought my 3 day vap pass right there and then used it immediately
to go to Piazza San Marco, to get to my hotel.
I found that the pass paid for itself in just a few trips. Loved it !!

Posted by
11613 posts

The vaporetto pass is great, as Priscilla first suggested. Even if you plan to walk everywhere, the evening "cruise" along the Grand Canal or just hopping on when you are tired is a great refresher.

I usually buy mine from a newsstand inside the station - look for signs.

Posted by
17 posts

Does anyone know if there are special prices for children under 18 and for people who are disabled?

Posted by
21748 posts

Under 7 travel free.
For people 14 to 25, there is a 3 day pass called a "Rolling Venice" for 20 euro (half the normal price) plus a registration fee of 4 euro. There are also discounts at various museums.
People in a wheel chair travel for 1.30 euro per trip, accompanying person travels free.
This info from: