I may get T mobile to unlock my phone. I just was told to go to Best buy? I have yet to get thru on their phone line. They don't answer. So, here I am getting back up ideas? Thanks;)
If you go the unlocking route, buy your sin card when you get to Italy. This would give you an Italian phone number to use. The other options are activating international plans with your current company or using calling cards when there. It depends on how often you plan on using the phone, are you doing the calling or are others calling you? If the phone is just for emergencies and very occasional activity, an international plan with T-mobile may be best. If you plan on more calls within Italy, calling cards or the local sim may be best. If you plan on lots of US calls, then you have to look at the different rates you might be able to get to decide.
Monique, You could also consider using a "travel SIM" from one of the many firms that provide these. Have a look at the websites and compare rates for Roam Simple, Cellular Abroad, Call In Europe, Telestial or Mobal. These firms provide SIM's for use in individual countries or all of Europe. They're slightly more expensive than buying a SIM in a particular country, but one benefit is that you'll have a working phone as soon as you step off the plane. These typically operate on a "post paid" basis, with calls charged to a credit card. Therefore, there's no need to "top up" or worry about running out of minutes. Using a travel SIM also avoids the problem of increased rates if the traveller ventures outside the country where the SIM was purchased. Also, some retailers in Italy are now insisting on a "Codice Fiscale" number as well as Passport information before selling PAYG SIMS. I have an unlocked phone and have used one of these plans for the last few years, and it's worked well so far. The SIM was delivered almost overnight by Courier. Happy travels!
Nadine, I thought a "sin card" was what you buy when you go to Vegas. :-)