We are 3 traveling through Italy in October. How far ahead of our train travel dates should we purchase our train tickets for: Lake Como to Florence & Florence to Venice?
The day before
If you're travelling during the day, go to the train station when you first arrive and purchase your tickets for all journeys. If wanting overnight accommodations Florence-Venice, book as soon as possible.
buy them the day before so that you know the time your train is leaving. October is not high season, there should be no problem with sold-out trains. I'd suggest getting them like this as you go because you might decide to spend an extra nite (or one less nite) somewhere and if you have all your tix in advance its harder to change.
As for an overnite train Florence to Venice, not sure if one exists or if you'd want it. It's only a 3-hour trip!
True! I fixated on Rome instead of Florence!
As you will travel in October, you wont have huge crowds of tourists to deal with. You most likely would b able to get your tix on the day of travel.Neither line will be a problem but dont try rush hour trains !
Thanks very much for the good advice. I'll wait until day before or day of.
If you like to plan ahead and you are AAA members you can get with one of their travel agents and buy your tickets through them.