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When is Off Season?

Planning trip to Italy, starting in Rome, ending in Venice (dates are flexible) from 3/9ish to 3/22ish. When are off season rates?

Does are part of all of our trip fall into off season since we're not too near Easter?

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204 posts


March is considered low season so you should be fine.
When you google for hotel reservations most show a high, mid and low season rates. Make sure when they quote you and you confirm that you are getting the low season rate.

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7737 posts

The rates can vary depending on what's going on in the city. Some hotels in Venice will charge more during Carnival. Some in Rome charge more during Holy Week. The hotel website should tell you. But generally speaking, March is off season.

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7569 posts

Also, if you plan to be in one locale for more than a few days (most of a week for example in Rome) inquire about rates, expecting that you should get a discount off the advertised rate for a longer stay in the off season.